Download the Commercial and Concessionaire Application PDF file. Please complete and return this application with a picture of the anticipated display or setup and diagram of concession stand, if applicable. No deposit is due with the application. The application must be completely filled out with a signature and picture to be accepted. Please fill in all blanks completely.
With over 250,000 visitors annually, the Eastern Idaho State Fair is southeast Idaho’s largest and longest running event! We are proud to have over 270 commercial vendors and concessionaires who run professional booths with a variety of unique offerings.
Contact Ann Marie Mangum,, 208-785-2480, Ext. 102
A list of Vendors at the Eastern Idaho State Fair can be purchased at the Main Office for $50.
Feb 20
Mar 20
June 20
Requests and payment for discounted gate tickets must be received
$150 Winter Booth Storage Fee for those storing on the grounds year-round
Aug 15
Vendor packets will be ready for pick up at the Main Office
Sept 19
All Electrical Charges paid in full, Concessionaire Report Due, All Concessionaire Fees Paid in Full
Only persons receiving a written license agreement for concession/commercial exhibit space are able to exhibit. These persons must sign the written license agreement and make a monetary deposit with the Manager of the EISF before being allowed to transact any business on
the fairgrounds. Each department will have specific downloadable rules and entry forms.
REFUNDS: No refunds will be made on cancellations after July 31, 2024.
TERMS: All license agreements will expire with the close of the Fair each year. Space not occupied by 9:00 a.m. on the first day of the Fair with no notice given will be resold and no refund made.
CONCESSIONAIRE PERCENTAGE: All concessionaire percentage payments are due to the Fair no later than September 20th. Failure to meet the deadline will result in a 21% monthly finance charge and seriously jeopardize being invited back. A daily record of total gross sales must be kept by the Concessionaire and reported on the Concessionaire Percentage Form. The EISF Management reserves the right to request documentation of those gross sales, including daily cash register tapes and Idaho Sales Tax reports for the period of the Fair.
LIABILITY INSURANCE: A certificate of liability insurance naming EISF as an “additional insured” in the amount of $1,000,000 is required against bodily injury and property damage. Where applicable, vendors and concessionaires must also have coverage insuring against product liability and products/completed operations. Your Certificate of Insurance must be on file at the Fair Office by August 1, 2024. Failure to provide a certificate by that date will result in a $115 charge to the total commercial/concessionaire license agreement for coverage under the Fair’s group insurance policy, as long as the activities are not excluded by Haas Wilkerson. Failure to provide a certificate of insurance for vendors excluded by the Haas Wilkerson Policy by the above date will result in a termination of the license agreement, and all Licensee Fees will be forfeited. The certificate of liability insurance must cover the dates of the Fair from August 30 – September 7, 2024, and the dates for set up and tear down. THE Name on THE Insurance Certificate must match THE name on THE license agreement.
ELECTRICAL: All booths pay a temporary power fee of $15 per space. Must be paid by no later than March 24. Vendors will be responsible for any electrical usage over the amount of $200. A statement of charges will be submitted to the vendor by the Fair's electrician and is payable at the Administration Office no later than September 26, 2024.
AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED MERCHANDISE: The Fair Management will authorize the letting of space for the sale of such merchandise as is required to supply the necessary wants of the people, or that may add to their comfort, convenience, and pleasure, but under no circumstances will merchandise of a questionable nature or of a demoralizing tendency be sold or in any manner tolerated on the grounds or in the buildings. Any items, whether animate or inanimate, that are used for or are capable of causing harm or bodily injury are not allowed on the fairgrounds unless otherwise approved in writing. In addition, any items that are a violation of the laws of the City of Blackfoot, County of Bingham, or the State of Idaho will not be allowed on the fairgrounds.
ITEMS SOLD: The license agreement must list the items being sold. No other items may be sold without written approval by Fair Management. The Manager reserves the right to prohibit the selling of any item that infringes on the products of another vendor. Food and drink must be reasonably priced, and ALL PRICES MUST BE PROMINENTLY POSTED, A Food Price List Form must be submitted to the EISF by June 20, 2024.
ADMISSION: All persons working in booths must have a gate ticket to enter the Fair each day. Concessionaire booths will receive at no charge 45 tickets, and Commercial booths will receive 10 tickets per booth as part of their Licensee Fees.
Additional tickets may be purchased for WORKERS ONLY at $3.50 per ticket. Requests for these tickets must be submitted with payment to the Fair Office no later than August 1, 2024, for the discounted price. After that date, tickets may be purchased at the regular price through the outside ticket booths
SALES TAX: As is dictated by Idaho Tax Cade, Title 63-36200, each licensee must complete form ST-124, stating whether or not they have taxable items, and if they do, what their sellers permit number is. The Idaho Sales Tax Act requires every retailer engaged in business in Idaho to obtain a seller's permit from the State Tax Commission. Retailers are required to collect the six percent (6%) Idaho sales tax on each sale that is not exempt from tax. This tax immediately becomes property of the State held in trust by the retailer. All vendors are responsible for paying the sales tax collected. Each licensee should display their seller's permit so that State Tax Commission representatives can see if without having to interrupt the licensee. Except for unusual circumstances, there is no charge for an Idaho seller's permit. Contact the Idaho State Tax Commission office to obtain a permit at (203) 236-6244.
Fair Management reserves the right to select the booth space for each vendor at its discretion. Booths and any attachments, stairs, platforms, etc., must stay within the designated area. All aisles and walkways must be kept clear of any obstacles. All exhibits should comply with the fire code, particularly booths constructed of highly flammable material.
Those who are located in permanent buildings on the fairgrounds should be aware that rental of the building space is for Fair week only. Fair management reserves the right to rent facilities during the off-season. If the booth is locked at the close of the Fair, a key must be left at the office. In case of an emergency where a key is not available, the lock will be cut off. All water must be drained to prevent freezing during the winter. EISF is not responsible for any damages incurred while stored on the fairgrounds.
GREY WATER: No drainage water or sewage may be disposed of (intentionally or unintentionally) on the surface of the grounds. This includes greywater that can low onto the ground due to a lack of strainers or the failure by the Concessionaire of keeping strainers cleaned out for the booths. Failure to comply will result in a $150 fine per day and/or be expelled immediately from the Fair. The Concessionaire will also forfeit ad monies paid and will remain liable for all other amounts otherwise due under the contract agreement.
CONCESSIONAIRE'S OPERATING WITHIN FAIR STRUCTURES: MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS: The first Fair that the Concessionaire uses a Fair Building for a booth, the Fair ensures that premises are in good order and repair. From that point forward, the Concessionaire shall, at his own expense and at all times, maintain the premises in good and safe condition, and shall surrender the same, at the termination of the License Agreement, in as good condition as received, normal wear and tear expected. Fire suppression systems owned by the fair are the responsibility of the Fair to maintain. All other maintenance as required to the premises is the responsibility of the Concessionaire. No improvement or alteration of the premises shall be made without the prior consent of the Fair. Electrical upgrades required by the Concessionaire can only be completed within the premises by the Fair's approved electrical contractor.
COMPLY WITH ALL LAWS: All concessions are required to comply with the State, County, and City food and health laws and to secure a city license at City Hall in Blackfoot All Health Department rules and regulations must be followed, and a copy of these rules should be posted in your booth. Failure to comply with Health Department rules after one warning is grounds for your booth removal from the grounds. Any concessionaire that is aware of reports of food-borne illness from their booth must report it immediately to fair management. Failure to do so will also be grounds for removal from the Fair.
All food concessionaires must meet Fire Code regulations, including having an adequate fire extinguisher in their booths - 10 lb. 10A40BC or class K. RV-rated extinguishers are NOT PERMITTED. Fair will be responsible for routine maintenance on fire suppression systems for concessionaire booths in fair buildings. The vendor will be responsible for all other charges related to meeting Fire Code.
BOOTH CONSTRUCTION: Booths selling food are required to be neat, clean, and substantially built to withstand at least 40 mph winds. All tents or canopies must be of a professional design specifically designated for trade shows, fairs, and festivals. Canopies that are designated for backyards, beach, or picnic use, or "makeshift/homemade” structures made from tarps, PVC pipe, etc., will not be allowed. If you are unsure if your current canopy will be allowed, please send photos with your license agreement. Tents and canopies must be placed and secured within your allotted space. Please make sure you have enough space to allow for the tie-down of your tent or awning, as some tie-downs do not extend straight down. Any stock supplies or boxes must also be within the allotted booth space, and areas must be kept dean and attractive.
No licensee may dig holes or pound stakes in the ground until they have checked with and have permission from the grounds superintendent. Securing booths or any material to EISF Buildings is prohibited! Violators will be charged a minimum of $100 for damage to EISF Buildings. No licensee may use pins or staples, etc., to attach items to divider curtains booths inside buildings,
SIGNAGE: All commercial vendors and concessionaires can only post signs promoting their booth and the items sold therein. All signage must be for the vendor and cannot reflect sponsors or other advertising. Any additional promotion of other companies or products on or in your space is prohibited. Ali sale prices must be prominently posted. No handwritten signs will be permitted.
HOURS: Licenses must remain open and staffed for business all nine days of the Fair from 10:00 am. to 1000 p.m. Vendors not open during these times risk not having their license agreement renewed the following year. On the Fair's first day, commercial buildings will be open at 9:00 am. for vendor setup. On the remaining days, buildings will open for vendors at 9:30 am.
SUPPLIES & DELIVERIES: All supplies delivered by truck must be delivered before 10:00 am. each day. All deliveries after 10:00 a.m. are by hand cart only. UPS & FED EX deliveries will deliver Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to the Main Office. Please have payment for packages in the office before delivery. Packages must be shipped to 97 Park St. Blackfoot, ID 83221. Failure to pick up packages on the day they are delivered may result in lost or stolen items. Any packages over 5 lbs should be sent through UPS & FED EX, not through the United States Postal Service. CISF will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
SEWER DRAINS AND BACKFLOW PREVENTERS: All sewers will be cleaned and operational prior to the Fair, DO NOT pour grease into drains. On-site containers are provided for the disposal of grease. The cost of repairs for any plugging or stoppage in the sewer lines will be charged to the Concessionaire or concessionaires who are using the drain or who caused the drain to become clogged. All concessionaires must meet health department requirements by providing their own hose bib backflow breaker. The Concessionaire will be able to purchase a backflow breaker from the Main Office for a charge of $10.
ACCESS TO BOOTHS INSIDE BUILDINGS: Booth spaces inside District Fair Buildings will be open to vendors only beginning at 9:30 am, each day. The buildings will be locked for the night at 10:00 p.m. and will not be accessible by the vendor until the following morning.
CASH REGISTERS OR SIMILAR POS SYSTEMS THAT PROVIDE DAILY REPORT TOTALS: Concessionaires are at a minimum required to operate with cash registers or similar point of sale systems. Daily Gross Sales Reports are due by 10:00 am to the Fair Office the following business day. Reports must have attached cash register 2-tape total reports or similar POS System report. Concessionaires with more than one booth space will need to report each location separately. Failure to provide daily reports will result in a $50 per day penalty and risk not being invited to return.
BOOTH REMOVAL: Parties owning buildings on the Fairgrounds must have their license agreements renewed within the time allotted on the license agreement. If the license agreement is not renewed, the building must be removed at least 90 days prior to the opening of the Fair if the building is not removed, the building becomes the property of the EISF. Licensees must remove exhibits and temporary booths, etc., within ten days of completion of the Fair.
REMINDER! TAKING DOWN: All exhibits are to remain intact until 10:00 p.m. closing time on the final right of the Fair. No exhibits are to be removed from the fairgrounds until 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, following the close of the Fair. Early removal could jeopardize your contract for the following year. Exhibits may be removed between 8:00 am and 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, and then during regular office hours (8:30 am. to 4:30 p.m.) Monday through Friday of the following week. Licensee's must remove outside exhibits and temporary booths, canopies, etc, within ten days after the close of the Fair; otherwise, they will become the property of the EISF.
WINTER BOOTH STORAGE: Winter Booth Storage Fee of $150 per booth will be charged to vendors wishing to store their booths at the EISF at Manager's discretion. That fee includes the labor and equipment cost to move the booth to its spot and return it for storage. It is the vendor's responsibility to prepare the booth for moving and coordinate the time of moving with the Grounds Superintendent.
BREAK-DOWN BOXES/GARBAGE: Vendors are required to break down all cardboard boxes and bind them together before disposing of.
NO PARKING ON HIGHWAY: NO overnight parking is allowed on Highway 91. Police will tow vehicles that are left overnight. This includes cargo trailers, RV trailers, etc.
ELECTRICAL/FIRE/HEALTH INSPECTIONS: Inspections will be required for all vendors before the opening day of the Fair. Appointments must be made individually by the vendor before the Fair opens. Letters will be sent to the vendor giving the agency, phone number, and dates for appointments to be made. All booths agree that the EISF has the right to inspect their display both at any time.
ADDITIONAL RULES: If a licenses breaches the FISE Concession/Commercial Space license agreement or day of the terms of the EISF Vendor Handbook Rules for Food Concessions & Commercial Exhibits the Fair Management shall have the night to immediately terminate this license agreement and all future license agreement rights without further notice and dose down the Licensee's operation and remove Licensee from the fairgrounds. It is mutually agreed that the general rules and regulations as set forth in the Concessions/Commercial Exhibit Handbook apply and must be followed for the operation of the concession/commercial privileges herein granted. All Licensees must comply with all rules and regulations imposed by the Federal, State, and County or City food and health laws.
MARKETING TACTICS: No persons or Licensees will be permitted to distribute printed advertising matter, solicit funds, or put op merchandise signs on the fairgrounds other than at the space allotted to them for that purpose.
DRAWINGS/RAFFLES: Licensees must complete The Raffle Approval Request Form and have approval from management before holding any raffle or special drawings, if approved, the vendor will need to submit the names and phones numbers of the winners to fair Management at the close of the Fair.
AMPLIFICATION/SOUND: Sound transmissions such as radios, television sets, loudspeakers, voice amplification systems, and piano/organ demonstrations are subject to the approval of Fair Management, and if used, they must be controlled as to not interfere with other licensees, THIS PRIVILEGE MAY BE REVOKED AT ANY TIME.
ANIMALS: Animals are not permitted on the grounds during the Fair, except per allowed by law or exhibits.